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Allen Scholarships

Attention High School StudentsONLY High school students who earned a scholarship in Spring 2024 will be eligible to apply for 2024-25, please contact the financial aid office for more information.

Scholarship Requirements

Unless otherwise indicated, the following requirements apply to all institutional and endowment association scholarships and grants-in-aid:

  • Must be enrolled in at least 12 hours that begin the first week of the semester
  • Must earn at least 12 credit hours each semester
  • Require a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above, based on a 4.0 scale.
  • Students who have attempted 90 credit hours or have a degree are not eligible
  • Scholarships apply only for the fall and spring semesters – scholarships are not available for the summer term
  • Only one scholarship will be awarded to an individual student
  • Scholarships are reviewed and renewed each semester
  • Priority selection date is May 1st for the fall semester and November 1st for the spring semester
  • Academic scholarship application deadline is August 1st for the fall and January 1st spring semester 
  • Applicants who have earned less than 12 credit hours of college coursework must submit a final high school transcript or GED score. Those who have earned at least 12 credit hours of college coursework must submit transcripts for previous college courses. Transcripts must be received prior to the first day of the semester.

Scholarship Application


Scholarships and Grants